Nepal Film Festival Award

It has finally arrived. I have never received such a beautifully crafted award. I feel blessed for receiving…

ByByAndrej KocanFeb 20, 2019
Nepal Film Festival

At this year’s 8th edition of the International Folk Music Film Festival – Nepal, Kathmandu, ‘Bagpipes and Drums’…

ByByAndrej KocanNov 7, 2018
Prague Liveact

Far East Sketches audiovideo performance led by Andrej Kocan video prepared and manipulated by Darrell Jónsson 21 September 2018,…

ByByAndrej KocanNov 7, 2018
Interview at the Radiostudent

 V drugi oddaji finala sezone četrtkovih jutranjih programov v studiu gostimo Andreja Kocana, tonskega mojstra v v skupini za…

ByByAndrej KocanNov 7, 2018
Kalinga Academy

Rehearsals for the annual Kalinga festival at the Kalinga academy hall in Lubuagan. Kalinga is one of the…

ByByAndrej KocanJun 22, 2018
Interview in Sensa magazine – Guardian of forgotten music

Poimenovali so me varuh pozabljene glasbe, moram reči, da mi prav godi. Čeprav se nisem dojemal kot varuha,…

ByByAndrej KocanJul 14, 2017
Macedonian echo from Jesenice

And here my first movie on a Macedonian bagpiper, this one living on Slovenia. It entered an official…

ByByAndrej KocanMar 6, 2017
Bagpipes and Drums

Please check out my new video! In a remote village in Macedonia lives a bagpiper who is still…

ByByAndrej KocanFeb 18, 2017
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Nepal Film Festival
Prague Liveact
Kalinga Academy
Interview in Sensa magazine – Guardian of forgotten music
Macedonian echo from Jesenice
Bagpipes and Drums
Intervju na spletni strani Zdravo Slovenija
The Other Side of China – Bandcamp release